Why Fly to Hawaii When You Can Sail and Relax from Vancouver

Today we are heading to sunny, warm Hawaii along with a mere 2500 other people on the Celebrity Solstice from our home port Vancouver.
This was one of those last minute getaways that popped into our email like an invitation from a long lost friend. It was autumn, raining and getting cooler by the day. It was the perfect recipe for a tropical getaway.

How To Get There
It is strange to think that we have lived around Vancouver for most of our lives, but this was our first Cruise out of the Port of Vancouver. So it was exciting. Just call a friend to drive in and hop off at Canada Place.
To get to the Vancouver Port, we drove the Trans Canada Highway No. 1 and took the Hastings Street Exit (#26) all the way downtown. Just turn north on Howe Street for 3 blocks and you are at Canada Place in the heart of Vancouver.
On this particular day, there were 3 ships in port and lots of traffic with people coming and going with all of the associated traffic congestion that goes with it. Which brings to our TIP#1:
“When there are multiple ships in Vancouver Port, there is no point trying to drive through the congestion in the last few blocks. We simply got out at Howe and Hastings and walked the 3 blocks past all of the stationary vehicles.”
Now it’s just following signs through Security and Immigration. Tip#2:
“We always recommend booking your embarkation time as early as possible since there are typically more delays as you get closer to departure time.
View from our Veranda overlooking the Five Sails of Canada Place. A cloudy day but still beautiful

Our Adventure Begins
Having traversed the immigration and security requirements we boarded the Celebrity Solstice, our home for the next 10 days.
I think most passengers had the same idea to explore and get a sense of the layout , however it seemed the various bars were capturing a lot of takers. This seemed like a good idea so we joined. We are on holiday after all. No work, no deadlines and no stress. Yea.
Vancouver harbour certainly was entertaining as our ship prepared to sail, the ship beside us backed out of its berth so smoothly that I did not notice them moving right away.
While we were hovering at the railing I watched a helicopter pad just ahead of us – was it busy! It was like bee’s to a bee hive and it gave me another thing to add to my list of experiences – a helicopter ride around Vancouver and up Howe Sound. The views from the road are amazing so I suspect the view from the air is even better.
Wow, the ship is leaving port and the top deck is being flooded with people wanting to catch the sites. Armed with our camera’s we worked our way to a great spot at the front of the ship and were able to get some wonderful pictures of Stanley Park, the North Shore mountains, Jericho Beach and the University of B.C. The 2010 Olympics mascot was the Inukshuk. If you are lucky you can see one looking back at English Bay.

A Wee Dram of History
While you are enjoying sailing out of the harbour, we want to share some background history with you. Let’s start with some Random Trivia to impress your friends.
Vancouver is home to Canada’s longest pool. Kits Pool measures 137 meters (451 feet), it is nearly the size of three Olympic pools. This outdoor, saltwater pool is a major tourist attraction and is open year round
Vancouver’s cruise ship terminal is the 4th largest in the world. Most of the ships departing from the terminal are headed to Alaska.
Vancouver is a very young city. The City of Vancouver was incorporated on April 6, 1886, the same year that the first transcontinental train arrived. CPR president William Van Horne arrived in Port Moody to establish the CPR terminus recommended by Henry John Cambie, and gave the city its name in honour of George Vancouver.
The Great Vancouver Fire on June 13, 1886, razed the entire city. The Vancouver Fire Department was established that year and the city quickly rebuilt. Vancouver’s population grew from a settlement of 1,000 people in 1881 to over 20,000 by the turn of the century and 100,000 by 1911

On the Road Again
The first 5 days we have to … do what ever we want.. it is wonderful. Time to relax, read a book, swim, dance, enjoy a lecture on the Islands we will be seeing and don’t forget room service – Tea in bed or on our balcony , what a treat. For those of us who have balconies that call to us just to settle in and relax in private.
Speaking of the balcony on the second or so day we noticed flying objects over the water. It turns out they are flying fish. These little guy’s jump out of the water and fly for approximately 3-4 feet. The sunlight reflects off them making them glisten as they fly through the air.
Since we have 5 days to basically do nothing or anything: let’s Explore the Celebrity Solstice
The Grand Staircase at the centre of the ship. Near the Top, you can see the triangular container holding an actual living tree.
This is actual grass growing on the top deck. We used this for Bocce and Putting and of course picnicing!
What a wonderful way to spend your vacation just sitting back and exploring the ship including all the activities, food and variety of new people to meet.
Feeling a little peckish we headed to the buffet for lunch .. need I say more .. as anyone having travelled on a cruise ship may have found the buffet offers an amazing selection of goodies and you can go back for seconds.
Our room was spaceish with lots of storage and a compact but well designed bathroom. Let me tell you about the shower.. normally I would not even mention this but this one had the regular top nozel over head and 4 directional nozels that can be turned to hit those spots that really appreciate the extra attention.
We had splurged on our room as we normally don’t have a suite but we felt as we had 5 sea days it would be an ideal place sittng on the veranda to write. We did sit on the veranda but not a lot of writing was done as we just enjoyed the view especially a dawn. The colors of the sky breath taking.
One of the many Sunrise Photos taken from our Balcony
The days went by with a lovely quiet pace and as we sat down to lunch on afternoon we met a petite lady dressed beautifully who informed us that she had been on 150 cruises! The staff on the cruise knew her by name. Facinating lady.
On one of our sea days we attended a wine tasting , free wine seems like a good idea. Well the wine received mixed reviews from the around the table and judging by the number of glasses left practically consumed I think the wine choices might need to be reviewed.
Our first stop is on the Island of Hilo. We’re getting ready to climb some Volcanoes, run across some hot black sand and drive to the craggy north coast. Lot’s to see and do and we’re ready.
So it’s time to finish this First Chapter in our Hawaiian Adventure. So we’ll sign off for now and talk again soon!
But before we go, let’s head to the Theatre and watch a bit of BROADWAY on the CELEBRITY SOLSTICE

Tips Tricks & Whoops!
Plan for TRAFFIC
The Port of Vancouver gets busy, so plan early and don’t expect to drive right up to the Port. Although that would be a Treat.
Bring Layers
Bring Layers of clothing and a variety of shoes. Also it’s a good idea to bring a mask for protection even if you don’t think you’ll need it, you will find it handy on public transportation.
Check your Documents BEFORE you leave Home
Put all you Documents in one Easy To Find PLASTIC file folder for easy access and double check before Leaving Home. We also recommend backing up ALL documentation onto your mobile devices as well as send an email to yourself with all the documents included.
Eat before you leave Home
Eat before you leave Home as Time will likely not be on your side. Also bring a couple of snack bars to munch on while waiting in queue.

A Hippopotamus
can open it’s jaws so wide that it can swallow a sports car.
NOTE: If a hungry hippo approaches you in your sportscar, we recommend getting out and walking home!