Singapore: Historical Chic with a Futuristic Twist

by | Asia, Blog, Photography, Singapore

Why Go To this Amazing Destination

Singapore was initially just a 3 day layover on our way to Bali, but it turned into an amazing odyssey of exploration that we could not get enough of.  Although some have described Singapore as a small island state it certainly packs a big international punch.

Our first impression of Singapore was “Wow” beautiful.  On our ride into town from Changi Airport, we rolled down our windows to soak in the warm breeze of the exotic scents of flowering trees and plants that bordered the roads.

The city is an amazing fusion  of Asian Traditional culture, Ultra Modern Infrastructure and outlandishly inventive Architecture that provides a unique and rich experience for travelers all presented in a exceptionally safe environment.

The city is home to a diverse population of Chinese, Malay, and Indian descent that has developed into distinctive neighbourhoods like Chinatown, Little India, and Arab Street that create an inviting landscape to walk in.

And of course, there are the iconic landmarks like Gardens by the Bay and Marina Bay Sands to provide days of adventure to explore.

From beginning to end, Singapore knocked our socks off.

Let’s go Explore!

Best Directions on How to Get to your Destination

How To Get There

I love writing about our trips as I get to relive the experience and in the process dig further into the people and the country which is always appealing. We are off to Bali, that amazing country that we have heard about, read about but didn’t really think we would be visiting. The flight from Vancouver to Singapore our first leg of the trip is 16 hours and 40 min.

EVA Airlines is definitely a step above many other airlines that travel in this part of the world.  The seats were comfortable, the food was plentiful and tasty and the service was gracious and attentive.   They also supplied real cutlery with their meals: a small but appreciated service.  One other appreciated upgrade was in the washrooms.  On the counter you will find containers of toothbrushes/toothpaste, personal size mouth waste, small face wipes and several other items that just made the trip that much more comfortable for all.

Which brings to our TIP#1:

“For longer flights into Asia, we appreciate the extras provided with a higher end airline.  You don’t have to pay business fares to get business service.” 


View onto the Biosphere Museums from the Marina Bay Skypark

Our Adventure Begins

Arriving at our hotel we were delighted to find our room ready as we both needed a brief nap after our  16+ hour flight.  Next on the list was finding food.  The concierge gave us several options within a short walk from the hotel.   We found a small cafe and feeling caffeine deprived I ordered black tea.   Rookie mistake that I blame on jetlag!  I like a certain type of tea and I like it hot, unfortunately it was neither but it filled the void.

We felt very safe walking in all the areas around Singapore and travelling the subway around the city.  The people were helpful and courteous when we got turned around … or as one of us describes it ‘we experienced an unexpected area.’

As we continued to wander the city, I could not help to notice the discrepancy between the way we were dressed as tourists in casual comfortable clothes and the amazing display of how the local individuals were outfitted.  My shorts and t-shirt complete with sandals did not align with the  courtier fashion we were passing.  So many were beautifully decked out in exotic bracelets, necklaces, earrings, gold thread enhancing the dresses and somehow everything working together. 

Unique View of the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and Museum located in the Chinatown District of Singapore. 

Local Firehall in Singapore

Curiosity Store Singapore

Amazing curio shop in Chinatown

A Wee Dram of History

Singapore  has a broad ethnic population with Chinese comprising of 74%  followed by Malay 13.7%, Indian 8.9% and other at a mere 3.2% as of 2021.   We definitely could feel the distinctive difference wandering from one ethnic neighbourhood into another.  

Singapore has approached immigration by celebrating certain holidays

  • Ethnic Integration Policy

This policy was implemented in 1989 to prevent the formation of ethnic enclaves. It involves selling units in blocks to families from ethnicities that are roughly comparable to the national average.

  • Multi-racial and multi-religious citizenship

The government promotes this concept to manage racial and religious differences.

  • Racial Harmony Day

This day commemorates the 1964 race riots in Singapore and the consequences of racial disharmony.

Now Back To The Story

Now Back to the Story

Our second day included a trip to Garden’s By the Bay. These gardens are spectacular. It is hard to capture in words that beauty and creativity we found in the Garden.  The are not only filled with a wide variety of flowers, greenery and more but they had a unique twist which was the addition of 5 large electronic creations such as the Cloud Forest, Flower Dome and our favorite the OCBC Skyway. 

These additions were key elements during the evening show making the visit an all-day event.  We went back to visit the garden’s several times just so we could take our time to admire all and watch the Garden’s by the Bay Light Show.  This is a must see experience if you are going to the Singapore.

Also while you’re there, take the elevator up to the top floor of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel’s Observation Deck. Tickets can be purchased in hotel or online at: Marina Bay Sands Attractions.

Across the street from the Garden’s is a Mall.  While that is quite the correct term, the Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands is one of Singapore’s high end shopping mecca that does not resemble any of the Malls we have ever been to.  Upon entering you will see canals, styled like Venice, complete with people in small boats moving through the water ways on the ground level.  There are lots of amazing restaurants with decors and a wide variety of deliciousness. 

For lunch, we went to the TWG Tea On The Bay restaurant inside the mall.  It was like a small world unto itself with a very eclectic yet elegant décor with antique furnishings and hand painted silk wall hangings.  To complete the scene, the food was excellent with some great choices of brunches, desserts,  and of course Tea and Coffee.  Such a wonderful place to spend an afternoon.

Hindu Temple

Iron Statue on Steps

A local home that reminded us of France 

The Science Centre

Friendly Mascot Welcome

Cute Characters designed to encourage friendly attitudes to everyone.

Be Careful, Listen Up,

Heads Up

When I commented on the ‘clean streets’, our driver informed us that they have a law that First-time offenders found littering face a fine of up to $1000. and if you fail to get the message and litter again the fine is $2000 and subject to a Corrective Work Order.

In doing a little more searching I found that the government has tough Drug Laws and punishments and serious penalties for jaywalking and littering.

Spitting has a fine of $1000. and if you do it again $2000. If you really want to test the laws get caught spitting 3 or more times … you had better have deep pockets as this will cost you $5000.

The laws are strictly adhered to and the results are amazing such clean streets, subway stations everywhere in the City.

Gum is not sold in Singapore. If you get caught chewing gum …

Hawaii Sunrise

Amazing View in the Marina Bay Gardens

The Marina Bay Sands Hotel and the Gardens by the Bay beside it are a must see if you are in Singapore.

This hotel has won over 940 awards, that alone should make you want to visit and if you are lucky you can perhaps stay there.

Let’s talk about the architecture of the structure so unique and a real distinguishing addition to the city. I thought the garden would be nice but the totally is an understatement.  The creators of this masterpiece of art and horticulture is like walking in another world, a world of the future.  The use of towers covered with vines combined with architecturally beautiful lines that enhance and excite the viewer.  The creators did not stop there, no, they built in clever electronic lights that at night provide a whole new experience that while visually exciting being set in among the garden makes you feel part of the event as it is totally exhilarating.

Let’s take a Grand Tour of the Singapore trees at Night!
Lounge in the Celebrity Solstice

View through one of the Bridges at Marina Garden Bay Trees.

Singapore Tree Lights

The Marina Bay Trees All Lit up at Night

Singapore Landmark

Floral Clock – Time now is 5 to Rosemary

Tips Tricks & Whoops!

Camera Friendly

Singapore is a paradise for Photographers.  There is so much to see around every corner.

Download GRAB APP

GRAB is the main Ride Share Program in Singapore.  We found them reliable, fast and cost efficient.

Currency is KING in the Markets

There are lot of markets everywhere and CASH is KING here.  Yes, you can buy most things on card, but you will pay more.

Feast your Appetite

Singapore has amazing delicacies everywhere.  So take your time and enjoy all of the culinary splendour that this melting pot of culture provides.

Trivia to Enlighten and Entertain
A Hippopotamus
can open it’s jaws so wide that it can swallow a sports car.
NOTE:  If a hungry hippo approaches you in your sportscar, we recommend getting out and walking home!
Balcony Terraces Parkroyal Singapore

Trees growing up and Moss draping over the Balconies at Parkroyal.

Singapore Trees with incredible walking platform

Arches and Platforms in the Trees of Singapore

Giant Observation Wheel

The Singapore Flyer is one of the world’s largest Observation Wheel
